Wednesday, 31 December 2008

i'm cool

its just less than 2 hours before the new year arrives. somehow, this year there's no anticipation as of old for me. i am looking forward to 2009 because school's reopening and i get to see all my kiddies again... but surprisingly...

...that's about it.

things have fizzled out to be quite interesting for the month of December. I've probably said that like a few thousand times already in some of my previous posts :P

i am deciding to stop playing church. somehow at one point, I'm going to wake up in the morning and loathe my face. because staring back at me is someone that I hardly know now for the past one month.

i've regained a cynical side of me that I thought I'd banished. yes, the christian explanation is, "...oh, it's your past hurts and wounds resurfacing... it's from the devil... it's rejection speaking...etc"

its not past its P-R-E-S-E-N-T hurts okay, dawg? Is it feelings of being rejected causing me to act the way I act? well then, pray tell explain where the rejection comes from. how does one balance one's personal opinion and public opinion and spiritual opinion.

it's stupid. i'm sorry. you'll have to live with that unholy comment of mine.

am i the stubborn child who doesn't want to return to the Father? ish, please.. spare me the limelight moment, all right? you think you know me inside out? you ain't one step close to the real thing right now.

like i said. I'm tired of being a member of an exclusive society that governs things with ways and mannerisms that I can't seem to identify with the early Church. i seem to hear the 15 year old me question the 26 year old me, "why are you Christian anyway?"

i could still defend that statement. I can if i am asked.

I would tell you that its not about the people that's why i converted.

it is solely because of Jesus. no one else.

"so why don't you just do it for God?"

because in the midst of doing it for God it is already wrong. God doesn't need me to do things for Him. does He? while i'm serving my God, do I add that serving with a twist of lies and inconsistencies that my conscience wrestles with?

I'm sorry. I know I let a lot of people down. Maybe no one will really understand what it means to be me at this moment. Call me selfish, childish and stubborn. Tell me that God will prune me, discipline me and teach me to be humble. Remind me and nag me that I'm a leader and spiritually mature and ask me why do i need to make such a big deal out of a small thing...

... do/say/preach whatever you think is right for me. I'm cool with it.

but don't expect me to be responsive at this moment. if you claim to love me and accept me, then accept this part of me that is hurting right now.

please accept someone like me who is on the path of self discovery. please allow me to have this moment of being emotional because if I can't express it, i think i'll die of suffocation.

you don't need to pretend to lead me or follow me. i don't want that. just walk with me and hold my hand.

i need a friend. a sincere one.

Saturday, 27 December 2008


it's been 9 nine days since you know and I prayed and hoped that it would go away or somehow I would get over things...

...but i can't. I just can't.

everytime I think about it, an ache comes. Disappointment and sadness creep in and tears come. sometimes, I wonder if I'm that strong person God said He'd destined me to be.

Because at this time, I feel anything but strong.
At this hour, I feel anything but peaceful.
At this very minute, I feel anything but joy.

I'm still hurt. I still can't find a reason to justify stuff that has happened and how the stuff had happened. It just makes things worse because at this point of time, I'm beginning to start imagining how life would be if I decided not to care of anything.

I haven't been caring for 9 days, will it continue more than that?

I don't know. I don't really care to find out as well.

There's no use trying to be all nice and warm all of a sudden when I know it usually isn't as nice as that. It just rubs it in all the more and reminds me that things are screwed up at the moment.

I don't think 31st is a day I'll be very sociable.

Thursday, 18 December 2008

things just started to get...

... interesting. hmph.

somehow I should have listened to my instincts and delved less. But having said that, I'm glad my suspicions were confirmed. Somehow, there is room to give thanks that it came to me earlier and not later.

life started to get interesting at 9pm last night. it really did :)

normally if i read about this kind of things, I would respond with a chuckle and marvel at the human intellect and decision-making process. But when you become the subject of interest, it just loses the humour.

i'm in the midst of rediscovering self-introspection and humouring myself over it.

God, strength is something that I always lack when I come to these things. Not once have you disappointed those who believe in you. I believe there's a reason behind eveything that you allow to happen on planet earth.

let your will be done in my life.

but well... if I take a few months to understand, be convicted and really live out the courage I know you are preparing for me to apply to my life in 2009... will you accept my whining, complaining, procrastinating and stubborness?

so i lay my head back down
and i lift my hands and pray
to be only Yours, I pray
to be only Yours
I know now
You're my only hope

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

the silence in the vacuum

can anyone hear the scream inside of me?

would you? could you? can you?

or do you even want to?

I know the right answer at the right time. I know what it means to "fill in the blanks". I know what is the reason. But somehow, asking for the obvious reason hurts more than mulling over it now.

I would rather be emo now. I would rather be confused and angry now. I would rather be all of this and be called immature than to actually talk about it because it somehow makes the wound even deeper and pushes reconciliation and reason even further out of the window.

I would rather leave. I would rather be forever branded as the person "who didn't understand". I would rather run away, leave things as they are and never look back. I would rather be all of that than to live a lie. I would rather be called with names and given labels than to open my mouth and give an excuse that I know my heart doesn't believe in.

My apologies. If you don't know what I'm talking about, please don't console me and tell me "things will work out somehow" or that "God would make a way". Don't give me that Sunday school nonsense because I know it better than anyone could. Don't patronise me and tell me that it is biblical and that by humbling myself I will find grace and promotion when the time comes. Don't give me that crap. And no, I am not insulting God's word. Please don't think you know me well enough to put a label on my words and actions. I am not that easily analysed.

But if you do know what I'm talking about then please... allow me to be in this moment. I don't know how long I would be in it. I'm not asking for pity, I'm not asking for attention. I'm not asking for a long lecture. I'm not asking for Bible verses.

I'm asking for someone to understand what it means when i say...

i feel like screaming.

Saturday, 13 December 2008




有很多事情在脑里不停的旋转,我的心情也开始变得有点凌乱。原来我也会有烦恼的,呵呵呵~ 也许自己该学会放弃,学会从另外一个角度去看某些事情。

可是上帝,我今晚可以选择把自己的心情释放一下吗?因为我不能再假扮坚强或者假扮自己可以真正和成熟的去面对身边的人了。告诉您一个秘密哦,其实我会在速码相机后做摄影师也是因为我知道... [no comment]

Thank you. I think I've been very honest about the way things are now for me. I hope I can sleep now. The tears haven't stopped falling for now [edit: they've stoppped].

Do you still love me? Are you sure? Sometimes, I still can't believe that part about love myself.


Tuesday, 9 December 2008

behind the lenses

living life behind the camera lens it is...


touching ;)

fun :P

interesting :)

memorable <3

beautiful =)

somehow, it's so fulfilling to just be able to snap these moments.
behind the lenses, I capture moments that no amount of money could ever buy.
as I ask people to pose and I snap at the best time, I too play a part in immortalising that happy moment.
behind the lenses, I'm part of making a memorable point in history for everyone including myself. behind the lenses, is where I want to be :)
guys and gals, lets make more great memories together and snap them all down. so that we won't forget each other's fellowship, that goes beyond behind the lenses =)
love you all, may God bless you for 2009!

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Jesus is Better than Santa

Santa lives at the North Pole.
JESUS is everywhere.

Santa comes but once a year
JESUS is an ever present help.

Santa fills your stockings with goodies
JESUS supplies all your needs.

Santa comes down your chimney uninvited
JESUS stands at your door and knocks.. and then enters your heart.

You have to stand in line to see Santa
JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.

Santa lets you sit on his lap
JESUS lets you rest in His arms..

Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is
"Hi little boy or girl, What's your name?"
JESUS knew our name before we did.
Not only does He know our name, He knows our address too.
He knows our history and future and
He even knows how many hairs are on our heads.

Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly
JESUS has a heart full of love.

All Santa can offer is HO HO HO
JESUS offers health, help and hope.

Santa says "You better not cry"
JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you."

Santa's little helpers make toys
JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts,
repairs broken homes and builds mansions.

Santa may make you chuckle but
JESUS gives you joy that is your strength.

While Santa puts gifts under your tree
JESUS became our gift and died on the tree.

It's obvious there is really no comparison.
We need to remember WHO Christmas is all about.

Christ = Christmas.

Jesus is still the reason for the season.

Tuesday, 2 December 2008


Tonight's night sky was awesome! Wish I had a DSLR with me to capture the night sky... there was
At first I thought they were stars and the crescent moon turned upwards... turns out it's an astronomical sight where Venus and Jupiter align themselves with the moon and rise together in the night sky... and form a smiley face with the two planets as the eyes and the 3-day old crescent moon as the smiley mouth! This phenomenon only happens every five years.. so the next sighting will be in the year 2013!

What a sight! Here are some pictures to keep you reminded (and inspire you) that God wants you to take a step backwards...
look up and gaze upon heaven!!!
Because God has prepared His smile and love for you...
and is smiling down on you now : )

taken by Aaron and Lindsey Bidwell

taken by Tracy Schiffman from Australia

taken at Festival Towers, Brisbane

this was taken by our very own Belinda Hu! (sentul, KL)

Can't really see the other eye... our theory is that the smiley face saw Belinda take a picture of it, so it decided to wink one eye and pose. Hence we couldn't really see the other eye in the picture. But if you click and enlarge... you can still see the hidden eye ;)

Tonight is really cool! I'm tickled and inspired by that smiley face in the sky ;) Reminds me of a song that I love a lot..

Did You rise the sun for me?
Or paint a million stars that I might know Your majesty?
Is Your voice upon the wind?
Is everything I've known marked with my Maker's Fingerprints?

Breathe on me, let me see Your face
Ever I will seek You
Cuz all You are, is all I want always
Draw me close in Your Arms
Oh God, I wanna be with You

Can I feel You in the rain?
Abandon all I am to have You capture me again?
Let the earth resound with praise
Can You hear as all creation live to glorify one Name?

Breathe on me, let me see Your face
Ever I will seek You
Cuz all You are, is all I want always
Draw me close in Your Arms
Oh God, I wanna be with You

p.s. I love You : )