Monday, 15 March 2010

according to you

i wonder why whenever i see something happy around me, i get hit by it.
it's obvious i'm not jealous, just perhaps a little envious.
just perhaps a little wishful, hoping that i could have had a life like that.

sometimes, i wonder if all the investment and the effort is worth it.
there are those moments when i question myself if i should even care.
even now, i realise that at times, i am the biggest fool before the whole world
and even myself for that matter.

things are just so fake.
people are not what they seem.
situations turn out to be opposite of what you expect at times.
that sick feeling in your gut is unmistakable.

just get out of my sight.
in the end, what you wanted was temporary and you were looking for something else.
the ugly truth is, i was never. i just wasn't ever :'(

so what...

but according to Him, i'm beautiful and incredible

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