Wednesday 4 January 2012

Here We Go
The end of year 2011 came and went in a whirlwind of activity, excitement and joy. This is probably the year where I've eaten the most for Christmas, been blessed with the most small and loving gifts from people I least expected, and the year where I spent more time with new friends and family.

And yet, being the typical nostalgic and sentimental person that I am, I can't help but note how some old traditions or habits were no longer in play. No more going for our usual Sunday Christmas lunch and oooh and aaah over the food. No more sitting at the Christmas tree and opening presents.

Somehow, I never stopped missing those moments and yet somehow I've moved on. How is that possible even?

But 2011 is the year where new friendships were forged. I had to look at myself real hard on the inside sometimes and acknowledge that the old days were gone and I either had to continue to be miserable with it forever or move on.

I decided to move on.
But I never stopped caring.

I note that around me circumstances have taken a big 180 degrees turn about and I have caught myself many times comparing and thinking of those "what ifs" and "maybes" for the year 2011. I want to be resolute for 2012 and not look at temporal things but eternal things. The things that I can see won't last forever, but the things that are unseen - faith, hope, love - they endure forever.

I will continue to plod on in this journey of life, knowing that I have a band of brothers and sisters, such a growing family we are, that gives me strength when I least expect it, love when I least know I need it and hope when I least realise I'm losing it. I know that there is a family that I can depend on and yet wont allow me to be dependant on them until I become a cripple. I have a family who pushes me up and on.

So 2012, I'm about to take my first step in a few hours time in my work, relationships, ministry and ambition.  I'm giving it all to You, for You know best.
And I just want to say thank You for giving me a family in Christ who loves me and allows me to love them!

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