Monday, 24 October 2011

This week marks the fourth week of being in my new job. Wow, a month really passes by in a blink of an eye! Where did it go?

I have so many things to give thanks to God - people, opportunities, blessings - are among the many things that I've experienced so far.

It's been almost a month of adjusting to a fixed schedule. Long gone are the days where I can afford to stay up until 2 or 3 am on an almost daily basis. Now, almost like clockwork my internal battery gets snuffed out at midnight and I find myself nodding off quite automatically and I find myself dragging a tired out body to sleepydom until the next morning.

Thankfully I've gotten used to the whole sleep early and wake up early routine. The days are filled with reading up articles pertaining to my field of work, formulating classroom lessons, planning trips, talking, writing and etc. I embrace my everyday with enthusiasm because of the prospect and potential I can see that it will bring one day. Though we started out small, I am not deterred by the numbers. I am much more concerned with quality and achieving higher goals than just mere figures of earning.

On a personal side, God has just been totally awesome. I always wished I could feel or experience the "heartbeat" of God and these past few weeks, I've caught more than one glimpse of what it means to see Him as Love. He isn't just loving, but God is the definition of Love. Along the days of this month, through many circumstances and people, I have seen the Maker's fingerprints on each and every one of them. 

People equate living a supernatural lifestyle as all the dramatic happenings - resurrection, deliverance, miracles, healings - but it can also be moments of being totally aware of His presence around you. It has been more than once whereby I can consciously feel Him lay His hands reassuringly on my shoulders. That weight on my shoulders, the sudden engulfing of warmth and light all around me all point to the fact that God is indeed very real.

God has been confirming things that I have kept secret in my heart. Sometimes, the littlemost questions that I have had for sometime were answered without me asking them. Some much needed confirmations have come my way as well. The key was to ask and keep on asking, to continue to strike out in faith eventhough He did not speak yet for certain matters.

Right now, God is unfolding yet another different season in my life. I really don't know what to make of it, but I am quite assured that whatever it is, He knows best. That  He has my best interests in mind and He won't lead me astray. This new season is quite important to me and has always been something I barely entertain in my life, but truthfully I knew one day I would have to face it and here it is.

Therefore, I will continue to trust Him in all these things. Because I know my future is in His hands. And the hand that leads me is a reassuring one :)

Lord, I offer my life once again to You.
Lead, guide and walk with me Jesus :D

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