Monday, 30 June 2008

Three Loves (which one are you?)

"If love” is conditional love. It says, I love you…
if you run with the right crowd.
if you let me borrow your car this weekend.
if you will go to bed with me.
if you wear the jeans with the special pockets and like funky music
if you let me see your answers when I’m stumped.
if you don’t hassle me with your problems.
if you loan me a couple of bucks to buy a pizza.

“Because love” is easy love. It says, I love you…
because you are the most popular football player in school
because you voted for me as class president.
because you’re kind of zany and make me laugh
because you throw good parties and like Rock n’ Roll
because the testimonial you wrote for me in Friendster was cool
because you have a nice body and pretty hair
because you are basically a lot like me

“Anyhow love” is hard, unconditional love. It says, I love you
anyhow, even if you ignore me when I talk.
anyhow, even if you judge me unfairly and gossip behind my back.
anyhow, even if you like classical music.
anyhow, even if you don’t own a car or the latest Ipod
anyhow, even if you have a fresh outbreak of pimples
anyhow, even if you grew up with a broken family
anyhow, even if you don’t understand me or my lifestyle.

Yes, I love you anyhow… because that’s how God loves me.
And I’m trying to learn to love you the same way.

if we don't start looking at each other
with love,

it will be hate one day.

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