Monday, 21 December 2009

thank God we didn't argue like Emma and Liv

was contemplating whether i should have talked to you about it in the very beginning.

but in the end, the contemplation ended with a decision and we did talk about it.
things turned slightly ugly, words flew and in the end, one finds that two good friends are shedding tears.

i wonder, was it worth it all?

just only yesterday i mentioned to someone, that friendships have their stormy moments and a good, strong and sturdy friendship should stand the test of time. A firm friendship is not shaken by circumstance and neither is it broken over a few words.

were the tears worth it?

memories of you: braces. a saman before turning 18. going off to NS and missing you lots. going through Shawn's passing. going for visitations "or else". making "brownies". korean food. picking up that black furball. vandalising a certain person's red car at night. talking things out. laughing. candid video at kanching. praying in the room every saturday. contending in faith.

you know, the list could go on. and i think one day, there'll be so many memories that i can't even remember enough to write it all down. because i know our friendship is made to last. it can and will stand the test of time.

the tears were worth it.
because it shows that we still care for each other.
it shows that despite it all, angry as we can get with each other because of our differences, the journey of our own individual paths in life and the decisions we make and follow...
we're still friends.
you'll be there for me, and i'll be there for you.

and yes, i will come because of your threat.
not talking to me for the rest of our lives can be quite life-threatening : )

but most of all i will come because i want to come.

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