Saturday, 25 July 2009

My God is mighty to save, He is mighty to save

how did i come? i came with laughs and smiles, but inside, i was wondering and looking at all the faces wondering how far each one would be honest about themselves.

would it work? would we walk away having some form of confidence that we did it?
or would i leave that night realizing that all is lost? i had personally told God that if things don't work out for good, i would leave. i would throw it all away.

but God told me, to just focus on saying what i had to say and leave the rest to Him.
and the only thing i could do or respond was to believe Him. because God has never let me down yet.

that night, we talked about many things - life, relationships, cliques, loneliness, anger, frustration, disappointments, confusion. we laid things down on the line of our friendships. we brought up things about each other that all the while we had deemed "sensitive" because we wanted to clear the air once and for all. We discovered that perhaps we've been so "considerate" of each other's sensitivity that we hadn't dared to care in actions for the fear of hurting one another.

but we learnt that night... that if you're truly a friend, a genuinely concerned question of a loved one never hurts, it is part of the process of healing.

our friendships have never been tested in this manner. we've always been a happy-go-lucky bunch who went out together, we ate together and go crazy together, not to mention the insane amount of gigabytes of photos we've taken. but we've never sat together as a group and dealt with real issues such as what we discussed that night.

we actually put our friendships on the line that night.

we did it, people. we did it.

we decided to allow a new segment grow in our friendship with one another... we allowed transparency to set it. we allowed honesty to reign in our fellowship and the fear of rejection beat a hasty retreat because the truth prevailed, and love bound us together in a completely new way. that night, all of us confessed of leaving but we realised leaving wasn't as easy as we said we could. somehow, there was this mysterious unseen tie that held us together despite our individual and collective circumstances.

that unseen factor is God.

i know, there was definitely fear of baring it all and being totally honest about certain things, but assurance was given, understanding was dispensed and acceptance was released. It is only by the grace of God, that we managed to say/listen to the things that were said/listened that night. not only to just say or hear, but to say and listen knowing that we could trust each other.

again, its because of God.

at the end, before leaving. we received a word from God from someone totally out of our circle that somehow spelled out God's pleasure and approval of our meeting that night, the words "healing" and "victory" were a testimony in itself that we had met that night under the divine appointment of a holy God. that as we were being honest about our situations, God was at work with His angels.

again, it is God.

i don't know about the rest. i left the place that night feeling a different kind of confidence in my friends. I know, that I know... that in years to come, if ever we forget one another again and fall into the trap again of unknowingly hurting one another, and i become depressed... i have that night to remember.

it was the night when we learnt the definition of "fellowship" and we lived out the word "fellowship". i learnt that in order to have real fellowship, we have to invite God into it. that night, God blessed us even while we were talking.

did we realise it? we didn't. but that doesn't change that fact at all, does it?

because, my God is mighty to save. He is mighty to save : )

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