lets talk

Everyone is an individual and I respect that. No one is made the same. God has given us different attributes and character traits, preferences and ways of communicating and relating with others. I totally know that I have weaknesses as well, but at least I'm aware of it when people correct me and I try if not succeed, I try, at least to work on it.

I hate it when I need to see or put up with emo-trips that you take. We did not and will never force anyone to practice or believe in the things that we do. Everything is free will. And excuse me, but no one was sinning and if you can't see past that and understand that point. You can continue to sit in a corner and sulk, mutter and pray for fire and brimstone to rain down upon us poor, lost and wayward children of God.
let's embrace diversity and celebrate it in the sun
We're all made of different characters. Arguments. disagreements, personality clashes, hurting each other etc etc are bound to happen. But if you cant bring yourself to a stage where you embrace and celebrate each other's uniqueness, then we've failed to live out God's love for us. That was the exact reason why I hated Christians once upon a time, it wasn't that much of God judging me, but Christians who do the judging on behalf of a God who stopped judging those He loved on this Good Friday, when my Saviour was pierced for my transgressions.
I miss the old times not because of the people. Definitely not because Grace Goh isn't around or because Roanne didn't come back from Australia... simply... because I miss the energy, passion and direction. I wish somehow as a teacher, I could say that I'm doing a good job in the classroom this year. But I'm not.
I can't do it on my own, God. I'm just so tired.
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