A Walk To Remember
I just finished watching Nicholas Spark's A Walk To Remember that stars Shane West [Landon] and Mandy Moore [Jamie]. It's a cliche movie to its best... bad boy gets into trouble, serves time in community service and keeps meeting with local church pastor's daughter who isn't as boring as he thought... they become friends, boy changes for the better, they get into an argument over principles and eventually kiss and fall in love with each other. Girl confesses that she has incurable disease and avoids boy but boy decides to love her no matter what...they get together again and girl's condition deteroriates, guy proposes and they get married and girl eventually dies.
Well, like I said...it is cliche. But I couldn't help tearing and feeling a lump on my throat. Especially when Landon and Jamie were coming to terms with Jamie's sickness. The moments of tenderness between the two of them when they would try to put a brave face on and not cry. That...made me cry.
But there is a lingering question in my mind that I always wished I could ask Nicholas Sparks, the author of the book A Walk To Remember. Would Landon have loved Jamie the way he did forever if she hadn't have leukemia? Would their love stand the test of time? From the movie, Landon said one thing that I will always remember from the movie. He was describing why Jamie was so important to him, "Jamie has faith in me, you know? She makes me want to be different...better." And that sort of sums up what love is about. Not about looks, not about money, not about achievement, not about how much we give or receive, not about who cooks dinner on Sunday...

But love is about building up each other, complementing each other and living as two souls in one body. That a couple exists to help each other to become different... better.
Yes, its a romantic show. But I enjoyed it nontheless despite the cliches. Because you know why? I'm secretly very romantic at heart. Just that yours truly doesn't reveal that much. I wish I could have someone like Landon as well, someone who treasures the girl that he loves and doesn't overstep his boundaries and at the same time uses his own special way to declare his love for the woman he adores. There's one scene where I highly respect Landon, he and Jamie were kissing and he stopped himself from going overboard and apologised for kissing too long!

Well, one day God will send that someone to all of us. The best is to prepare ourselves and be ready for that special he/she when they come. I wish that one day I can be like Jamie, calm...serene and faithful.
If you haven't watched this movie, go watch it! It's really nice but if you tear up easily, bring tissue! It's a sure-cry movie!
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