Turning water into wine
We had a very good preaching yesterday at Chapel by Ps. Godwin. He basically preached on Chapter 2 from John about the first miracle that Jesus performed...which was turning H2O into wine.
A few points to take note from this recording of the event:
#1: Jesus was invited to the party
A party symbolises LIFE, it symbolises our lives. Do you let Jesus into your life? Or is He regarded as the kook/nerd/weirdo that everyone tries to hide details of the next party so that his awkward presence wouldn't be felt?
How many times have we told Jesus, "Sorry, not this time, Jesus. Maybe next time You can come?"
#2: Jesus was approached when the wine ran out
Mary, the mother of Jesus, didn't go anywhere but she went straight to Jesus when the wine ran out. She could have pestered the host, but for some reason... she knew where to go for the ultimate situation.
Do we go to Jesus straight away when a situation arises? Or would we go around in circles and talk to friends, talk to our neighbours, talk to our families...and try by our own strength to solve our problems?
When your situations turn sour and the wine runs out today...where will you go?
#3: "Whatever He says, do it," said Mary the mother of Jesus
Mary didn't ponder or tarry, she immediately told the servants to be alert and listen to the command of Jesus. She already told Jesus her need, and she didn't bargain with Him or delay, she expected Him to give a word of command. The only thing she did do, was to tell the servants to obey His every word.
When we come to God with our prayer requests, do we stay long enough to listen to God and obey His every command? Or do we actually obey God's instructions that come after spending time with Him?
Are we often guilty of bargaining with God after He releases a word or a command to us? Maybe you've been praying for financial breakthrough and you know in your heart, God has challenged you to give even when giving seems impossible...and we go like, "But Jesus, I can't do that? I'll be broke! You must be kidding me..."
[Those were the 3 main lessons that were shared in Chapel yesterday. But as I was listening, something nudged me inside.. and there was also an unspoken Lesson #4 as well in that miracle.]
#4: Jesus WAS NOT the host of the party
Did you realise that Jesus was invited to the party? When the wine ran out, shouldn't it be the host's responsibility to tend to the shortage of wine? Or shouldn't the host be the one to command the servants to bring in the water pots?
Here's the amazing revelation that God imparted yesterday at Chapel...
God is still sovereign in every part of the world and that includes our lives. That He is not bound by formalities, He knows who He is even when you are in charge of your own life. He will always be there to do miracles. Mary knew that reality, that's why she approached Jesus instead of the host of the wedding.
Because she knew that the real Host of the party was just beside her and it wasn't the groom.
Many times we forget that God is the real thing. That He is the one-incharge. And we push Him aside and say, "It's my life, God. Don't You fret God, I'll handle it from here Jesus."
You know, we can invite Jesus into our lives, but until we realise that in our life, He's the one in charge, He'll just be an attender at your party. Until we realise that when the wine runs out, we don't need to call someone to run to 7-eleven's to get another carton of Coke or Pepsi; until we realise we don't need to look for a human solution... if we don't EVER realise it... Then Jesus will just be attending Your life.
Until we run to Him and say, "Our wine has run out." Then water begins to turn into wine and flows. It will be the best wine in town. Because we have said,
"You are the Lord. Take control of my life. It's Yours, not mine."
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