Is July 9th the New Independence Day?
Is July 9th the New Independence Day?
our children are colour blind
because if we try
we could be our best when times are at their worst
Let's encourage one another on this long walk to the sea."
.:For I am not ashamed of the Gospel:.
Is July 9th the New Independence Day?
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Of Plumfield, Tommy Bangs and White Roses Certainly it will be a jolly old idea if I could be able to own a place like Plumfield. I quite like the idea of having a big expanse of land with boys of shape and size roaming and frolicking without a care on its grounds. Mayhaps one day I would have that opportunity to lend my heart in such a matronly fashion to younger and tender gardens so that I might one day raise a crop that would do anyone proud. I would like to be Mrs. Jo and be tender and yet firm, to have the joy of seeing her lot grow up and make a world of their own with honour, honesty and courage. Yes, a Plumfield would suit me indeed. But of course, I would need a Mr. Bhaer to go along with it. For at times, even a boyish heart needs the warm security of a stronger presence to soothe the wounds acquired in the process of mothering. I detest sewing, would rather go out for larks with my boys and laugh loud; but nothing would beat feeling a bigger, warmer and definitely stronger presence of Mr. Bhaer. Oh, to hear the pitter patter of small feet approaching my door right now! To hear someone declare at the top of his pitiful voice to "muther... I'm tummin to tee you!" I would long to have a Rob and Teddy to fill my life with their sunshine into their Marmar's life. Perhaps I wax lyrical as I read Little Women, Little Men and Jo's Boys for the past few days. But reading does so awaken some hidden dreams and fantasies one harbours at times. I am pretty sure either Jo, Meg, Amy or even sweet Beth would understand that. If not, I am pretty sure Teddy himself would have given me a fair hug in agreement and encouragement. I am thankful that I am learning to work on this garden of my life. I shall hoe at it, weed it and water it when necessary to produce a crop that will be worthy of its labour. I am also blessed to have other gardens to sow into while the little farmers grow them with such fervour and abandon that I am quite sure they will all turn out well. I am proud of my farmers out there. They are really such a bunch of Tommy Bangs, Demis and Daisies, Nats and Dans, Teddies and Robs, Stuffies and Jacks! As they test their wings and fly out into the world I can only smile and say what my Dr. Bhaer would say, "Gott bless them! Gott bless them indeed!"
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